6 Nov 2010

**NEW** Penguin Style Catalog

Hey guys, THE PENGUIN STYLE IS HERE! Because the storm hasn't gone that means the Club Penguin Team have made some rain gear so we won't get ourselves wet or for girls so that they don't get their hair wet! Ok firstly follow these info to not get muddled up!

  1. Log on to your penguin.
  2. Log on to any server. I would say a small server so it won't be so full to get in.
  3. Now waddle over to the Town
  4. On the right hand side there will be a big shop and on the top of the shop it will say " Gift Shop go in there.
  5. On the right bottom hand corner there will be a picture of a book click it.
Now skip all the colour pages then you will be on a page with rain items stay there. Here's the info.

1. On the left hand side there will be two trees, click the tree which is the most nearest to the penguin.
2. Now click buy (Of course only if you want to buy it)

1. Skip the next page stay on page 4.
2. Click on penguin (on the left) face. Colour: Pink

1. Go to the 5 page.
2. Click on the penguin in the middles arm. Colour: Orange

1. Stay on page 5.
2. Click on the right hand side penguin's face. Colour: Purple

So that's the Penguin Style for November! Lots of cheats there! I just want to say that... in 1 month it will be my birthday! The date is December 7th so I'm not that excited for Christmas but i think after my birthday i will! Anyway i hope it gets really froze for Christmas it would be awesome to see all the shops froze that would be really cool! It would be good if we had to drill the windows that would be amazingly cool! Oh well I still have to wait a month so until then waddle on! -Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner-

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Thanks Guys your Awesome!
- Yoshi Blue

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