2 Nov 2010

Tour Guide Checks!

Hey guys, it's the day of the days... IT'S TOUR GUIDES CHECKS! But sadly you will only get a check if you are a tour guide. Just to tell you I will be opening a new page on how to be a tour guide! It will show you a lot of sorts of answers for questions. If you want you could go to the page if you want to know more about Club Penguin! I will keep you posted to let you know when you can access the page! So lets get back to the checks!  If you don't know how to get your check follow these rules! P.S It will automatically give you the money this is just if you want to see it.

  1. Log on to your penguin.
  2. Go on any server you like.
  3. Click your mail.
Now wherever you are, on the top left hand corner, next to the newspaper there will be a picture of a card and it will 1 mail or over.

Click it, and you will get a message here's what it will say.

We get 250 coins each month! Cool isn't it? Spend those coins wisely! But I'm still quiet annoyed that we don't get any money for being a secret agent. But we get medals so that's good enough for members but not non members. So comment in and tell me your thoughts! Until then waddle on!
-Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home Owner-

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