20 Nov 2010

Club Penguin - You Decided - A Card-Jitsu Power Card!

Hey guys, quite a long time ago Club Penguin asked us, to vote for a a new power card for Card Jitsu. Club Penguin said that the Island Lifter 3000 won by a landslide!! Club Penguin gave us a little sneak peek of the new Card Jitsu card in action take a look!

Awesome right? Club Penguin said this new Card Jitsu card will be coming soon in the Card Jitsu Water trading set. Club Penguin says: "If you have the set already, you'll be able to redeem the codes on November 25." So do NOT do them now or I think they will not work. Awesome! Club Penguin asks: What other cards we would like to see! keep looking out for new Reviewed By Yous! Until then waddle on! -Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner.

New WATER Pin!!!

Hey guys, the new pin is out! YAY! Because Card Jitsu Water is coming Club Penguin have made a water pin! So to be honest i think you really need to get this or you won't be a REAL Water Ninja. Joke! So follow these instructions and you will have that water pin in no time!
  1. Log on to your penguin.
  2. Log on to any server you like.
  3. Click on your map and click onto the iceberg. (The iceberg is next to the cove.) (The cove is the place with the wooden building with surfboards.)
  4. Then on the left there will be the symbol of Card Jitsu Water waddle over there.
If you don't know where I mean here is a picture to help.

(Click image to make it bigger)
Once you've waddled over to the pin/symbol it will ask you if you want to pick it up click yes if you do want to pick it up or no if you don't want to. Here's a picture. 

 Cool pin! I really like the way Club Penguin thought of having the symbol as a pin! Good idea! Also you will see the pin on the the starter when you log in. (Of course only when there advertising Card Jitsu Water!) Sorry i haven't posted much because whenever I'm about to start posting another thing comes out LOL! Anyway waddle along! - Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner -

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