17 Nov 2010

Card Jitsu New Room!

Hey guys there is a new room for Card Jitsu! Here's how to get to the Card Jitsu place room thing LOL!

Note: Only black belt Ninjas can do this.
  • Log on to your penguin.
  • Go on any server you like.
  • Click on your map
  • At the top of the map in the middle on a huge hill there will be a big wooden room. Click it and then your in the Dojo Courtyard.
Wow look at the Dogo Courtyard now cause of Card Jitsu water! Take a look at this picture!

  •  Now on the left as you can just see there is a concrete door (maybe stone) with some sort of portrait on it go in there.
As you can see there is a big hole with pitch black go in there.

    Cool huh? This is amazing! Come check it out! It's awesome! Check it out whenever you throw a snowball it makes a splash cause of the water XD ! Keep commenting away! - Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner

Card Jitsu Water Again Proof

Hey guys, i was logging on Club Penguin, when i saw a new screen background for when you log on to Club Penguin. But this isn't just a advertisement for Club Penguin it's about Card Jitsu Water take a look its really cool!

LOL! Before you say it no i didn't cut out the penguin's it didn't show that! Anyway of course now we now Card Jitsu is coming! Comment below and tell me what you think! - Yoshi Blue- Club Penguin Home's Owner -

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