21 Nov 2010

Yoshi Blue (Me!) Meets The Amazing Sensei Himself!

Hey guys, I'm really exited to say i just meet the amazing Sensei! This time he is wearing a NEW outfit a Card Jitsu Water outfit! (So unfair the game isn't even out!) Well as you all are bursting to see, here's the pictures!

This is what Sensei looks like for Card Jitsu Water! (After finally getting to his penguin!)

Here's proof if you don't believe me!

Here's a picture of Sensei waddling around with all of penguins asking him questions!

(Click image to make bigger.)
Here is another picture of Sensei waddling around!

Those were all the pictures i have! Sorry but he's gone after a while! If this helps i found him on Alpine and DONT GIVE UP! By the way stay in the water dojo because then you will see him easily and wont have to barge in to get your space! Keep looking for Sensei! Until then waddle on! -Yoshi Blue- Club Penguin Home's Owner

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