11 Jan 2010

new [old] clubpenguin catalog coming and yeti caves

Hello Penguins,

We've heard from lots of you that you wanted some really unique igloos and new furniture items. Check out the new Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades on Friday - especially if you're looking to "rock" your igloo! Here's a first look:

hmm i wonder what will it be but it says  There might be a few Yeti caves around the island soon
i wonder what the catalogs going to be like but we know its old is that all there going to tell us?
comment me and tell me what you think 

fairy fables at the stage

Hello Penguins!

Fairy Fables starts today at the Stage! We hear from a lot of you about how much you like the costumes from this play. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to seeing tons of penguins running around the island in that funny Big Bad Wool costume.


In Other News: Something interesting is happening at the Mine - you might want to check it out and maybe even see if you can help...

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

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