21 Nov 2010

Yoshi Blue (Me!) Meets The Amazing Sensei Himself!

Hey guys, I'm really exited to say i just meet the amazing Sensei! This time he is wearing a NEW outfit a Card Jitsu Water outfit! (So unfair the game isn't even out!) Well as you all are bursting to see, here's the pictures!

This is what Sensei looks like for Card Jitsu Water! (After finally getting to his penguin!)

Here's proof if you don't believe me!

Here's a picture of Sensei waddling around with all of penguins asking him questions!

(Click image to make bigger.)
Here is another picture of Sensei waddling around!

Those were all the pictures i have! Sorry but he's gone after a while! If this helps i found him on Alpine and DONT GIVE UP! By the way stay in the water dojo because then you will see him easily and wont have to barge in to get your space! Keep looking for Sensei! Until then waddle on! -Yoshi Blue- Club Penguin Home's Owner

20 Nov 2010

Club Penguin - You Decided - A Card-Jitsu Power Card!

Hey guys, quite a long time ago Club Penguin asked us, to vote for a a new power card for Card Jitsu. Club Penguin said that the Island Lifter 3000 won by a landslide!! Club Penguin gave us a little sneak peek of the new Card Jitsu card in action take a look!

Awesome right? Club Penguin said this new Card Jitsu card will be coming soon in the Card Jitsu Water trading set. Club Penguin says: "If you have the set already, you'll be able to redeem the codes on November 25." So do NOT do them now or I think they will not work. Awesome! Club Penguin asks: What other cards we would like to see! keep looking out for new Reviewed By Yous! Until then waddle on! -Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner.

New WATER Pin!!!

Hey guys, the new pin is out! YAY! Because Card Jitsu Water is coming Club Penguin have made a water pin! So to be honest i think you really need to get this or you won't be a REAL Water Ninja. Joke! So follow these instructions and you will have that water pin in no time!
  1. Log on to your penguin.
  2. Log on to any server you like.
  3. Click on your map and click onto the iceberg. (The iceberg is next to the cove.) (The cove is the place with the wooden building with surfboards.)
  4. Then on the left there will be the symbol of Card Jitsu Water waddle over there.
If you don't know where I mean here is a picture to help.

(Click image to make it bigger)
Once you've waddled over to the pin/symbol it will ask you if you want to pick it up click yes if you do want to pick it up or no if you don't want to. Here's a picture. 

 Cool pin! I really like the way Club Penguin thought of having the symbol as a pin! Good idea! Also you will see the pin on the the starter when you log in. (Of course only when there advertising Card Jitsu Water!) Sorry i haven't posted much because whenever I'm about to start posting another thing comes out LOL! Anyway waddle along! - Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner -

17 Nov 2010

Card Jitsu New Room!

Hey guys there is a new room for Card Jitsu! Here's how to get to the Card Jitsu place room thing LOL!

Note: Only black belt Ninjas can do this.
  • Log on to your penguin.
  • Go on any server you like.
  • Click on your map
  • At the top of the map in the middle on a huge hill there will be a big wooden room. Click it and then your in the Dojo Courtyard.
Wow look at the Dogo Courtyard now cause of Card Jitsu water! Take a look at this picture!

  •  Now on the left as you can just see there is a concrete door (maybe stone) with some sort of portrait on it go in there.
As you can see there is a big hole with pitch black go in there.

    Cool huh? This is amazing! Come check it out! It's awesome! Check it out whenever you throw a snowball it makes a splash cause of the water XD ! Keep commenting away! - Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner

Card Jitsu Water Again Proof

Hey guys, i was logging on Club Penguin, when i saw a new screen background for when you log on to Club Penguin. But this isn't just a advertisement for Club Penguin it's about Card Jitsu Water take a look its really cool!

LOL! Before you say it no i didn't cut out the penguin's it didn't show that! Anyway of course now we now Card Jitsu is coming! Comment below and tell me what you think! - Yoshi Blue- Club Penguin Home's Owner -

14 Nov 2010

PROOF: Card Jitsu Water Is Coming

Hey guys, as a lot off you guys know that Card Jistsu Water is coming well i was looking around on the Club Penguin blog when i found there was a video! So in case you haven't seen it take a look below!

 Awesome that means that Card Jitsu Water is of course coming we all know that. Tell me if you see any other proof for Card Jitsu Water I will give you credit! Just comment below. Anyway this is alot of proof! Isn't it? All i wanted to know was that it was raining oh well at least Club Penguin have made this cool video! Until then waddle on! -Yoshi Blue-Club Penguin Home's Owner

Club Penguin Is Raining!!

Hey guys, sorry i haven't been posting lately. I've been really busy. But anyway let's not change the subject :) . Well i was logging on to my penguin to meet some friends. But... when i logged into the server it was VERY different. Firstly the was HUGE patches of water everywhere around the island! It is raining for the first time in Club Penguin history! This will surely go down in Club Penguin history! Here's a picture at all the rain witch has came down. (I choose the Dock because i thought it has the biggest puddle.

Wow look at all the rain! And it still is raining now! Tell me if any patches appear! Anyway you know what this means.... ITS CARD JISTU WATER! YAY! I've been waiting for this for like forever and its finally  here! Wow I'm so exited are you? Comment beneath and tell me! Until then keep waddling on! -Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner

7 Nov 2010

The BAFTA Kids Vote!

Hey guys, my good friend Chlo36005 had said for me to vote and when i was voting for all my favourites I say there was the best Internet game. Well i had a little look to see if they had Club Penguin there, and surely enough it was there! But it will not be easy for Club Penguin to win because.. there is some good games there. Here is the list:
  • Cartoon Network

  • CBBC

  • Club Penguin

  • Disney.co.uk

  • GirlsGoGames

  • LEGO

  • Miniclip

  • Moshi Monsters

  • Nick.co.uk

  • Stardoll

Wow there are some good games there such as... Miniclip and Moshi Monsters. They will be hard to beet especially Miniclip that is one of the best game sites! Club Penguin is very popular too but i don't think anyone knows so this is helping Club Penguin because Moshi Monsters have got it on their site so all of their fans no but not Club Penguins.If no one knows about this Moshi Monsters or Miniclip will have an easy win. So come on vote for Club Penguin! Click here to vote. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see... "Vote for your favourite web category" There will be all the games. Underneath it will say Vote Now click vote under the one you want to vote for. (Club Penguin!)

6 Nov 2010

**NEW** Penguin Style Catalog

Hey guys, THE PENGUIN STYLE IS HERE! Because the storm hasn't gone that means the Club Penguin Team have made some rain gear so we won't get ourselves wet or for girls so that they don't get their hair wet! Ok firstly follow these info to not get muddled up!

  1. Log on to your penguin.
  2. Log on to any server. I would say a small server so it won't be so full to get in.
  3. Now waddle over to the Town
  4. On the right hand side there will be a big shop and on the top of the shop it will say " Gift Shop go in there.
  5. On the right bottom hand corner there will be a picture of a book click it.
Now skip all the colour pages then you will be on a page with rain items stay there. Here's the info.

1. On the left hand side there will be two trees, click the tree which is the most nearest to the penguin.
2. Now click buy (Of course only if you want to buy it)

1. Skip the next page stay on page 4.
2. Click on penguin (on the left) face. Colour: Pink

1. Go to the 5 page.
2. Click on the penguin in the middles arm. Colour: Orange

1. Stay on page 5.
2. Click on the right hand side penguin's face. Colour: Purple

So that's the Penguin Style for November! Lots of cheats there! I just want to say that... in 1 month it will be my birthday! The date is December 7th so I'm not that excited for Christmas but i think after my birthday i will! Anyway i hope it gets really froze for Christmas it would be awesome to see all the shops froze that would be really cool! It would be good if we had to drill the windows that would be amazingly cool! Oh well I still have to wait a month so until then waddle on! -Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home's Owner-

New Water Tap Pin!!

Hey i got some exciting news... THE PIN IS HERE! The name of this pin is .. the Water Tap! Anyway I'm kinda hyper because now i can upload my pictures more easier now! So lets get back to the pin. Here's some info to help so read carefully!
  1. Log on to your penguin
  2. Choose any server.
  3. Waddle over to the Beach
  4. Go to the BOTTOM RIGHT hand side. (by the sea)
Here's where you should be now! Take a look!

Now a sign will appear saying "You have found a water tap. Would you like to pick it up?" Click yes but if you don't want it click no.

Nice pin! In other news the Club Penguin Style Catalog has came out. Post coming soon so keep checking for the cheats! Hope you enjoy the pin. Hope this guide helped if not please comment below and i will make it easier. -Yoshi Blue- Club Penguin Home's Owner-

2 Nov 2010

Tour Guide Checks!

Hey guys, it's the day of the days... IT'S TOUR GUIDES CHECKS! But sadly you will only get a check if you are a tour guide. Just to tell you I will be opening a new page on how to be a tour guide! It will show you a lot of sorts of answers for questions. If you want you could go to the page if you want to know more about Club Penguin! I will keep you posted to let you know when you can access the page! So lets get back to the checks!  If you don't know how to get your check follow these rules! P.S It will automatically give you the money this is just if you want to see it.

  1. Log on to your penguin.
  2. Go on any server you like.
  3. Click your mail.
Now wherever you are, on the top left hand corner, next to the newspaper there will be a picture of a card and it will 1 mail or over.

Click it, and you will get a message here's what it will say.

We get 250 coins each month! Cool isn't it? Spend those coins wisely! But I'm still quiet annoyed that we don't get any money for being a secret agent. But we get medals so that's good enough for members but not non members. So comment in and tell me your thoughts! Until then waddle on!
-Yoshi Blue - Club Penguin Home Owner-

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