29 Jan 2010

Check the mine out

There saying its unsafe to go.
there going to find a new entrance next month i think
tell me what you think and write me a comment

New speacker pin

1.Go to the plaza.
2.Go to the pet shop.

awesome a speaker pin

Well there still big but its not as big as the last on.

check out the night club dance time

This is so cool they got lights for it.
But what's it for?
People are saying if your a member more things happen tell me what you think.

28 Jan 2010

looking at the newspaper the mine is closing for safety  

furniture catalog it coming out on Friday.
Ill finsh this post this in the afternoon.
So keep updated.

26 Jan 2010

My new game

Hey guys ive been making a NEW game and I want you guys to try it out.
You will be one of the first to try it.
Please comment me and tell me what you think of my new game.
Well here it is.

22 Jan 2010

Club penguin free items and secret rooms

This is very cool.
You can get the hard hat you need it to dig.

Its really dark....

Here's all the treasure.



But there's more then that there's even more rooms!!

Can you see that sign for sale??

There's a new room but its only for MEMBERS.

And here is the new FREE background!

That is awesome that's a lot for this week [i think].
But remember this might only be here for next Friday i think.
There might be more changes on Saturday.
click here to play friv ONLY THE BEST ONLINE GAMES!

21 Jan 2010

Reviewed by you

Hello guys!

We've spotted tons of construction penguins helping in the Mine! Last week we asked your favorite way to help out when something like this happens, and Iceiceice said:

My favorite job is bringing pizza and other refreshments around to workers! I really like it because it is really good excersise and i love the look on all the penguin's faces when they eat my pizzas, it's a great sence of accomplishment! Waddle on CP!

pizza_chef2.jpgAnd speaking of helping, since the recent earthquake in Haiti, we've heard from many of you about how you want to help. We wanted to let you know that through Coins For Change you helped donate $322,500 to help kids in the areas affected. Your compassion and generosity toward others is inspiring and is making a difference -- and for this week's question we'd really like to hear ways that you've been able to help others in need.

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then...Waddle on!

19 Jan 2010

More things happing at the mine on Friday

Hello guys,

Things keep getting more and more interesting down in the Mine. A big thanks to everyone who's been helping clear the rockslide - you're doing awesome!

I'm excited to tell you that your hard work is about to pay off - the team has a HUGE event planned for this weekend when the rocks are cleared away. Check it out starting Friday!

I was able to get this sneak peek for you guys:

Unknown Machine.jpg

What do you think it is? And what do you think we'll find under the rockslide? Let us know your ideas in the comments!

Until then... Waddle on!

New Furniture Today!

Hello guys

There's new furniture and igloos today - the catalogs are right in your igloo so check 'em out! Some of you've already started decorating with the cave items. Check out this igloo we found!


In Other News: Lots going on down at the Mine and it's great how you're helping out! We've seen drilling, shoveling, fire hoses... It's cool how you're working together. Stay tuned for more details about what's happening down there.

Until then...Waddle on!

16 Jan 2010

more things happing at the mine

click on this big rock

awesome i think there's going to be a secret entrance to maybe the mission!

15 Jan 2010

Bookmark and Share

new catalog

cool portal box

new pin is here

1.go to the iceberg
2.look you got the pin

14 Jan 2010

club penguin tells us allot about the mine NOT

in the newspaper it says allot about the mine not 

it just says we need diggers is that all there going to tell us?
do we have to find this out our self why do they put this in the newspaper?
if that's all there going to tell us
it just says look back next week for more info
its probably just going to say look back
next week for more info.

well oh well at least we got the new furniture catalog
and the new igloos tell me what igloo you got.

Happy77 asks about Cart Surfer!

Greetings Penguins -

Looks like lots of penguins - including construction workers and rescue squad - have headed down to the Mine to check out what's going on. Don't forget that the Cart Surfer game's right there!


If you need extra coins for the igloo and furniture catalogs that are coming soon, why not give it a shot? I polled a couple of experts around here and got some tips for the game:
Expert #1 - "Do lotsa backflips!"
Expert #2 - "Grind all the corners."
Expert #3 - "Crash on purpose to buy more time! Seriously!"

I tried 'em out! I even managed to get a couple of hundred coins in one game... Still, I think I can safely say one of my faves still is making dessert pizzas on the Pizzatron 3000. What's your high score? Let me know - and share any tips you've got.

Until then...Waddle (and surf) on!

Reviewed by you

Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked what you thought the ultimate igloo furniture item would be. Yodalaheehoo said:

The ultimate furniture item would be a flying carpet!!!! When you walk over it, it would rise up and fly around your igloo! That would be so awesome!!!!!! And you could pick the color and pattern!!! Haha- A penguin can dream of flying in the own comfort of its home, can't it? You rock Club Penguin! Waddle on!

carpet.pngThanks for all your cool ideas - I'll pass them on to the team!

In other news, there's been a rockslide in the Mine and lots of you are helping dig away the rubble. So this week, we want to know what your favorite way to help out when something like this happens on the island? Do you like jackhammering? Supervising penguins? Bringing pizzas around? Or something else? Let us know.

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment! We'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then...Waddle on!

11 Jan 2010

new [old] clubpenguin catalog coming and yeti caves

Hello Penguins,

We've heard from lots of you that you wanted some really unique igloos and new furniture items. Check out the new Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades on Friday - especially if you're looking to "rock" your igloo! Here's a first look:

hmm i wonder what will it be but it says  There might be a few Yeti caves around the island soon
i wonder what the catalogs going to be like but we know its old is that all there going to tell us?
comment me and tell me what you think 

fairy fables at the stage

Hello Penguins!

Fairy Fables starts today at the Stage! We hear from a lot of you about how much you like the costumes from this play. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to seeing tons of penguins running around the island in that funny Big Bad Wool costume.


In Other News: Something interesting is happening at the Mine - you might want to check it out and maybe even see if you can help...

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

8 Jan 2010

what is this

what could this be?when you go to the mine there's a big pack of rocks i wonder what it could be
check it out when you give a tour it says...

how will we do that i never works

anything could be happing maybe its going to be secret
room comment me to tell me what you think

look at this funny picture lol

lol look at this picture

they said billybob was stuck lol he cant be stuck i bet they said that so everyone would join
here's another picture of it

 lol ill keep you updated when more crazy stuff happens
go on http://www.friv.com

awesome new postcards

these postcards look amazing and they didn't forget to launch them...{thank goodness}
here's what they say
cool name,awesome outfit,I like your outfit,igloo party and fairy fables!

these look really good comment me if you see more

fairy fables is back lol

lol its back.
why does everyone like fairy fables so much?
its really girlie why dont the club penguin gang get a show for boys not girls?
ok ok ill get on with the custom trunk
look it looks different then the last book 

 oh look a wand all us boys will have a blast at fairy fables lol

7 Jan 2010

Reviewed by you

Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked about your favorite play at the Stage:
My favorite play is The Penguins That Time Forgot. I love the special FX and the costumes. And the script is really good too. And last I like acting in the play with my buddies and having fun! I hope if it returns everyone has as much fun as I did. Waddle On!

Thanks, Odnan. Next Friday's Better Igloos catalog might take you back in time too - I hear there are lots of cave items! Speaking of igloo items, we'd love to hear what you think the ultimate furniture item would be!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

6 Jan 2010

you decide

Hello Penguins! 

It's a New Year and in a few months a brand new Penguin Play Awards Show is gonna turn the island into an event to remember. Just like last year, you'll be voting on 5 plays in 5 different categories. But we need to know which plays you want to vote on! 

One NEW play will be included - Choose your favorite from last year's new plays:

AND... Four of the following will be chosen for this year's Penguin Play Awards. Click on your favorite RETURN play from last year.

 We'll count up all the votes and let you know the nominations! We've shut off comments because the blog gets really busy during You Decide Polls - but they'll be back on for the next blog. The team's really stoked to get the results - and to start planning the Penguin Play Awards... 

Until then...Waddle on! 

alyssa570's website

hey guys as you know i have told you about alyssa570 if you want to see lots of her igloos in the past go to http://alyssa570.wordpress.com/ and you can see loads of her igloos i hope you like it

4 Jan 2010

do you want more?

if you think my site is small at the bottom  of the home on the right page it says old posts and you will see more of clubpenguin cheats!

3 Jan 2010

my penguin

hey guys if you want to see my penguin this is what he looks like

my friends alyssa570's awesome igloos

my friend alyssa570's igloos are amazing and her igloos are really fast here's what it looks like now
ill keep you updated when she makes her new igloos

this is what alyssa looks like keep looking out to see more!

new penguin style

Hello Penguins!

First of all, I want to thank all of you for your patience yesterday when the Penguin Style catalog didn't launch. We are really sorry for the delay and I know a lot of you were looking forward to the new T-shirts! 

The team was able to launch the catalog and the fireworks today and we hope you enjoy checking it out with your friends. We're really excited to hear what you think about creating your own T-shirts in the Gift Shop!

In other news: There's something new for Fire Ninjas who wear their Fire Suits. Try waving and dancing to see what happens!

Until then... Happy New Year and Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

2 Jan 2010

penguin style

Finally they out jan'10

cool you can make your own shirt!!

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