Hey guys, It's the time we've been waiting for... THE HALLOWEEN PARTY IS HERE! I can tell you now It's AMAZING you will find out when you start to read this very long post helping you get to know the spooky stuff in Club Penguin! So I'm going to do paragraphs of each cheats here so you don't get lost half the way! So if you think your ready to start reading about the Halloween party this is when it starts! Lets get started! But before I can say anything else until you access this Halloween party follow these rules.
1. Log on to your penguin. 2. Go on any server you like (if you want to go trick-or-treating go on a big server such as Alaska, but if you want to explore the island's spooky party without having not to get in the room because its to full go on to a small server) Now we're reading to start!
How To Watch The Night Of The living Sled (Part 1 & 2)
Firstly we will be starting with how to watch the scary movie! (The Night Of The Living Sled) If your like me and want to watch the first part of the movie to know whats going on keep reading. (If not scroll down the page and you can read that part) Firstly follow these rules.
1. Go to the Town
2. Go into the coffee shop. You should now be in the coffee shop watching the movie take a look.
Don't worry you won't miss any of the movie you have 10 seconds to sit down and get ready though (quite harsh don't you think?)
Coming soon you will be able to watch part 1 & part 2 video of the night of the living sled! So now you know how to watch part 1 so now i will show you how to watch part 2! Go out of the coffee shop now your back into the Town.
So now to watch part 2 go in to the Night Club right next to the coffee shop. Now you will be in the Night Club i know what your thinking that it isn't there that's because you haven't gone upstairs that's were you go silly!
Again you only have 10 seconds to sit down just run! There's no time just drop that popcorn on the floor and get your seet! So now you know how to watch the movies! Cool isn't it?
How To Make A Pumpkin On Club Penguin!
Hey guys i was waddling around exploring this amazing party when i went over to the ice burg for a bit more quiet! When i saw 2 penguins digging on this huge pumpkin and the cool thing was lots of the skin was falling off! So i started to join in when a mouth suddenly appeared then eyes then nose! If you want to do this start off with where a light orange is and everything will start to take shape you don't need to get your friends to come penguins will be fascinated and join in. (Like i was!) Well here's what the pumpkin looked like in the end!
(Click it to make it bigger) If you were wondering how we got it so shiny just keep going over everything and it will suddenly turn more light! Cool huh? I'm liking this party!
How To Get Into The Haunted House
Here's how to get into the Haunted House Note: The Haunted House is ONLY for MEMBERS. I think that at least non members should be allowed in the Haunted House. But rules are rules so i guess we're just going to ave to stick with it. Here's what to do... 1. Waddle over to the forest. 2. Go into a big pack of trees where it says Haunted house. If it helps its on a big board in capitals.
Now you will see a big house which says HAUNTED HOUSE on it. Waddle into the front of the door and you will be inside! Now there will be a big room with all sorts of things flying up in the air. Go up the stairs and there will be a big ghost costume in a box which will say " FREE!" Take a look.
Now once you've walked over to the ghost costume you will have a sign asking if you want to keep the item say yes (only if you want it of course!) So that's the Haunted house. Play with some of the ghostly items Club Penguin have made go on its fun!
The Dark Chamber!
Hey guys once you've finished playing in the Haunted House waddle out back into the forest and then walk into the Dark Chamber. Here's a picture.
Now you will have to complete a hard maze. Tips: Be patient your never going to get there if you get bored and go. You don't even know one more step and you could of been there! So make sure you wait this will take a while. Once you've completing the mace all the doors will swing open and walk into the pitch black room.
Use the lantern. It will help you see much better. But if you want you can get a torch out of your inventory of course if you have one. Now waddle around the maze and then when you get out there will be free candy!
Here's where the candy is.
On the right bottom there will be a big new style off monster costumes for only members to buy. Here's a picture to show you.
Thats all the cheats for now. Keep scaring your friends! This was a very fun Halloween more cheats coming soon! But Club Penguin were quite tight on all the non members dont you think? Maybe penguins might stop playing we never know. -Yoshi Blue- Club Penguin Home Owner